Old Grandad 114 is Straight Bourbon from Suntory Holdings. This is one of the oldest names in US distilling begun with Jacob Beam in 1795.
It is a 63% Corn, 27% Rye, 10% Malted Barley mashbill and at 114 proof is the least expensive barrel proof bottles I’ve ever bought. The nose is stronger than it is delicate. It doesn’t high it’s high alcohol content. Sipping was definitely better warmed than chilled. Chilled, it overtook your mouth completely. It combated my stogie and my sense of self. Warmed it was better, but never gave up it’s command of my palate. I didn’t taste anything but it for a minute after consuming it. HOWEVER, this makes a great Old Fashioned. We reset out sights on its goal and redirected it to a mixer. As an Old Fashioned it was great. Better than any I’ve gotten in a bar. The orange flavor went very well with the bitters and I think they made this bottle for this drink. I made a couple of other Old Fashions with different whiskies as a further test and this one was my favorite. Make an Old Fashioned with this. IT’S ONLY $20.