The Cavalier Geneve Gold 5.5 x 52 with a Nicaraguan, Paraguay Filler, Connecticut Binder, and Honduran Wrapper.  Nice dark color on the wrapper,

This stick has a gold diamond that you (normally) burn through.   You don’t peel it off, just burn right through it.  This has a woody flavor with just a touch of pepper.  Coming through as a medium smoke.   This stick and it looked like others in the box all had a really small cap.  You have to be careful cutting this one.

After the first third, the pepper went away and only got a woody flavor from then on.  I said that normally, you burn right through the gold diamond, but as you can see, mine burned around the diamond.  Was not intentional, just happened that way. 

While it looked cool by the time the burn made it half way past the diamond, I started having some issues with the wrapper.  Talking with the folks at Main Street, they have never seen that happen.  It was a nice stick until then.  I will be giving this another try later on.

If you have had one of these, let me know what your thoughts are on it.

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