ADVentura Cigars has been navigating a narrative marked by sadness, anticipation, struggle, and eventual rebirth.
It was heartbreaking to learn about the ADVentura factory burning down. This happened in September 2022. We were at the Renegade Cigars Anniversary party when Brandon a ddressed why Henderson Ventura was not in attendance
Henderson created a video for Brandon to share with those of us at the party. This video detailing the incident was truly heart-wrenching. I am not going to share any of those here. Check out ADVentura on Instagram to see that.
At Cigars Liquor And More, we have been advid fans of the ADVentura line and its collaborations over the years.  The Explorer and Barbarroja’s Invasion stand out as personal favorites, not just within the ADVentura Line but among all the cigars in my humidor. Thus, the sadness extended not only to ADVentura, Henderson, Marcel Knobel, and the factory employees but also the loss of the exceptional cigars we love.
Both Henderson and his Co-Founder Marcel Knobel understood that this wasn’t the end for ADVentura. Opting to let the ashes go and start anew, they diligently worked on the revival. Now, after numerous challenging days (months more like it), ADVentura has emerged like a Phoenix from the ashes with a brand new facility – Tabacalera Mina del Ray (King’s Mine)
This innovative facility not only amplifies their capacity for crafting and aging their cherished cigar blends within the ADVentura line but also empowers them to engage in more collaborations, release small batches, and curate exclusive blends. With the capability to age up to 1 million cigars for an extended duration, ADVentura sets a remarkable standard in the industry. Moreover, their commitment extends beyond production, with a dedicated focus on educating and training not just new staff but also providing extensive education for all, encompassing various aspects of the tobacco industry. We eagerly anticipate the exciting future that ADVentura Cigars holds in store.
We had the privilege of interviewing Henderson on a previous show (Episode 155, listen below) before the fire and have had many off-mic conversations with him. Henderson is truly one of the best in the cigar industry. Sharing his palate through his cigars and giving freely of his knowledge about cigars and flavors.
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