352 Does Frothing Liquor Make it Smoother plus Perdomo 30th and Bacardi Ocho

351 Out With the Old in With the Old with Casa Magna and Bombarda rum

350 Vegetarians Should Stop Eating Plants with Hoyo and Lone Elm

349 Surprising Evaporation Discovery with La Herencia and Singleton

348 Bletchley Declaration on AI Safety Summary with AJ Fernandez and Balcones Wine finish

347 Can France Save Europe from Russia with La Aurora and Roble Viejo

346 News of the Weird with Quesada 75th and Jameson IPA

345 Real Product or No with Tatuaje and Weller Special Reserve

344 What’s Up with Squatting with Plasencia Reserva and Effen Cherry Vanilla

343 Peak at iphone 15 Pro Camera Innovation plus a Finch and a Pilar.

342 What’s a Quantum Magnetometer with ADventura and D’Usse

341 Can AI Eliminate Traffic with Joya de Nicaragua and Weller Antique

340 Are Gamers Healthy with Royalty and Jack Daniels

339 Will We Have Major Power Outages with 2022 ARFCOM Pre-release and Iron Root Harbinger

338 Interesting World Records with AR15 223 and Solomon Scott Rye

337 AR15.COM, Lone Elm, Vodka with ARFCOM 300 and Lone Elm Master Distiller’s Pick

336 Bill in Barbados with AVO, Alec Bradley, Lone Elm, and Appleton

334 Bill in Florida with Perdomo and Spirits

333 All Protein Shapes Are Known Now with Lampert and Iron Root

229 – Old Fashion Bracket Play 1Q2022 #1 with Room 101 Payback CT