Darrell is a daytime engineer and night time porch enthusiast. A cigar with a spirit is his relaxation of choice. After 10 years of Partagas holding 1st place in his heart, CAO has replaced it as his favorite. Not able to describe cigar flavors in the typical sommelier verbiage, his super power is hearing a cigar you like and telling you what other cigars you would also like.
Almost any spirit is good as long as it’s at least 80 proof. After being a vodka guy for years he’s drinking more whisky and rum these days.

Thoughts by Bill: Life is too short to drink cheap booze.
Bill works for a semiconductor company in the Dallas area. During off times you will see him either working around the house or relaxing. Don’t be surprised to find him wearing a hawaiian shirt with cowboy boots and generally a glass of rum. While some “Thoughts by Bill” might not be for everyone, one thing he is sure everyone can agree on: Life should be enjoyed with good friends and family, good food and drink and of course a good smoke.