Rocky Patel Quarter Century01
[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//” height=”100″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen] Bill and Darrell watch the election and discuss the anatomy of a concession speech. They discuss which presidents played themselves in TV and movies. When does Texas go blue in the presidential elections. They think soon. They have the Rocky Patel Quarter Century and drink the new Giant Texas Black Label. Plus new Cassie thought. Why don’t they put high value Pokemon in rural areas? Check out this episode!

The Cigar

Rocky Patel Quarter Century 6 x 60

Mexican San Andres Wrapper, Honduran Binder, and Nicaraguan Filler.  MSPR $12.

This was an enjoyable cigar from the start.  We both agree that we were hoping for something as tasty as the Decade or 15th Anniversary.   However as an Anniversay cigar, this one will have an appeal to a broader base of folks.  At least that is our opinion.  You should get one.  When you have it be sure to come here and tell us what your thoughts are on it.


The Liquor

Texas Giant Black Label 80 Proof

We are fans of Texas Giant.  We both especially love the Giant 95.  At a much lower price point than the Giant 95, this one has a great flavor and is a definite must have on your shelf if you don’t want to pony up for the Giant 91 or 95.  You will not be sad at all having this little brother on the self. 

The More


If you don’t know by now, we record on Tuesdays.  So this particular show was recorded on Election night.  We had the TV on while the talking head (on the TV) went on and on about election stuff, we (I guess we are talking heads as well). mentioned some of the election and talked about other things as well.

I find it interesting the trend towards clear desks on news shows.  Why?  Do they think we really want to know for sure that the person looking into the camera and talking has pants on?  We don’t.  I don’t need to see their pants or shoes.  But it is an interesting trend.


Starlink Update

Check out YouTuber MikeOnSpace.  He will keep you posted on all things Starlink.  He is all about this.  In his videos he also shows you experiments he has done with the Starlink satellites.  

Here’s the skinny: Beta has started for those in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  Equipment is $499 and service is $99 per month.  For the target audience living out in the sticks (like me) for the speeds they are stating, this is a great deal. 

Check out the MikeOnSpace video to the right and show him some likes and subscribes.

Presidents on TV and Movies

Check out the Wikipedia article that this data came from for more information.  (

These two lists below are Titled: Presidents who played themselves

We did not some odd things from this list that was not on it.  Such as Late night talk shows.   But check these out and the long list of actors who played the President.


Anatomy of a Concession Speech

Whenever you have two or more folks running for an elected office, only one can win.  As a results there is generally going to be one or more concession speeches given by those who did not win.

Here is an anatomy of a concession speech:

The Statement of Defeat:  Although they never use the word “Defeat”, a candidate will acknowledge their opponent’s victory and congratulate them.

The Call to Unite: In a show of bipartisanship, a candidate will express support for their former opponent and call for unity under their leadership.

The Celebration of Democracy: The candidate reflects on the power of a democratic system and the millions of voters who participated in the election process.

The Vow to Continue the Fight: The loser speaks about the importance of the issues raised in the campaign and the policies their party stands for.  They promise to continue fighting towards these goals and urge their supporters to do so as well.